Researcher Profile: Prof Nicole Moulding

Nicole Moulding is a researcher and educator with special interests in gendered violence, mental health and social work. Nicole has published three books, Gendered Violence, Mental Health and Recovery in Everyday Lives: Beyond Trauma (2016, sole-authored),The Sexual Politics of Gendered Violence and Women’s Citizenship (2019, co-authored) and Contemporary Feminisms in Social Work Practice (2016, co-edited), as well as over 40 journal articles in research into gendered violence, mental health and social work.

Nicole is Director of the Safe Relationships and Communities Research Group (SRC), an interdisciplinary research group with 35 members from diverse disciplines across UniSA and industry partners. Nicole is involved in a number of ongoing research projects in addition to leadership and management roles. Recent research projects include an ARC-funded nation-wide study into the long-term impact of domestic violence on women's citizenship with a focus on mental health, housing, employment and social participation; a national study on reunifying children with their families after domestic violence; and a study into the impact of domestic violence on women's housing.


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