Our Team

Our team currently includes researchers from the University of South Australia, Griffith University, and the University of Queensland.

Find out more about our team below, and keep an eye out for opportunities to join us.

Academic Investigators

Project Lead

Prof Michelle Tuckey

University of South Australia

Expertise in workplace bullying, mistreatment, and organisational interventions

Dr Aaron Davis

University of South Australia

Expertise in co-design and community engagement processes

A/Prof Sarah Moulds

University of South Australia

Expertise in human rights law, discrimination law, and law reform

Prof Nicole Moulding

University of South Australia

Expertise in gendered violence and mental health

Prof Paula Brough

Griffith University

Expertise in occupational stress and coping, and employee mental health and wellbeing

A/Prof Kirsten Way

University of Queensland

Expertise in workplace health and safety, as well as psychosocial hazards

A/Prof Yiqiong Li

University of Queensland

Expertise in organisational climate, leadership, and job design

Dr Anuradha Mundkur

Our Watch

Expertise in violence prevention and gender-inclusive policies and practices

Heather McIntyre

University of South Australia

Expertise in project management, mental health and psychosocial disability

Research opportunities

If you are a researcher with a passion for workplace equity and respect, please reach out to our team to see if there might be a role that suits you.

Industry Partners

Check back soon for a list of our industry partners. If you are interested in joining the project as a partner, please get in touch with us